Overall Overview
Location | 134 Kobe-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken |
District / Area | A area: commercial area/fire prevention area (Nomura Towers and other sites) B area: neighboring commercial areas/semi-fire prevention areas (NRI data center and other sites) Hodogaya Kobe Town District Planning Area Certified as a housing complex based on comprehensive design |
Purpose | Offices, research institutes, commercial facilities, district heating and cooling heat supply centers, etc. |
Architect | Nomura Real Estate Co., Ltd. |
Design Management | Yokohama Business Park Design Office (Co-designed by Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Obayashi Corporation) |
Site Area | A area: 54,099m² B area: 16,957m² |
Parking | Parking available for 658 cars |